Unraveling the Mysteries of Unreal Engine: What is the difference between `InstalledDDC` and `Engine/Windows` in Installed Build of UE?
Image by Leeya - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mysteries of Unreal Engine: What is the difference between `InstalledDDC` and `Engine/Windows` in Installed Build of UE?

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Are you tired of scratching your head over the seemingly minute differences between `InstalledDDC` and `Engine/Windows` in your Unreal Engine (UE) project? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the nuts and bolts of these two directory structures, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of their roles and purposes. By the end of this journey, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to tackle even the most daunting UE projects with confidence.

What is `InstalledDDC`?

`InstalledDDC` (short for Installed Derived Data Cache) is a directory structure within your Unreal Engine project that stores compiled and optimized versions of your project’s assets, shaders, and other data. This cache is generated by the UE’s build process, which takes into account your project’s specific settings, plugins, and configurations.


In the above example, the `InstalledDDC` directory contains subdirectories for each UE version (in this case, UE4.25) and further subdivides into `Engine` and `Project` directories. The `Engine` directory holds cache data specific to the UE engine, while the `Project` directory stores project-specific cache data.

What is `Engine/Windows`?

`Engine/Windows` is another directory structure within your Unreal Engine project that serves as the deployment target for your project’s Windows platform. This directory contains the compiled and optimized binaries for your project, ready for deployment on Windows platforms.


In the above example, the `Engine` directory contains a `Windows` subdirectory, which holds the compiled executables and DLLs for your project, targeted specifically for the Windows platform.

Key Differences Between `InstalledDDC` and `Engine/Windows`

Now that we’ve explored the individual roles of `InstalledDDC` and `Engine/Windows`, let’s highlight the key differences between them:

  • InstalledDDC is primarily used for development and iteration, whereas Engine/Windows is focused on deployment and release.
  • InstalledDDC stores cache data, whereas Engine/Windows contains compiled binaries.
  • InstalledDDC is version-agnostic, meaning it can be shared across different UE versions, whereas Engine/Windows is version-specific and tied to the UE version used during compilation.
  • InstalledDDC is generated by the UE build process, whereas Engine/Windows is created during the packaging and deployment stage.
Directory Purpose Contents Version-Agnostic
`InstalledDDC` Development and Iteration Cache data (compiled shaders, textures, etc.) Yes
`Engine/Windows` Deployment and Release Compiled binaries (executables, DLLs, etc.) No

Practical Implications and Best Practices

Now that you’ve grasped the differences between `InstalledDDC` and `Engine/Windows`, it’s essential to understand how to work with these directories in your daily workflow:

  1. Keep `InstalledDDC` clean and up-to-date: Regularly clean and update your `InstalledDDC` directory to ensure that your project stays optimized and compiled correctly.
  2. Use `Engine/Windows` for deployment only: Avoid modifying or compiling your project directly within the `Engine/Windows` directory. Instead, use it solely for deploying your project to Windows platforms.
  3. Version control your `InstalledDDC` directory: Consider adding your `InstalledDDC` directory to your version control system to track changes and maintain a clean history of your project’s development.
  4. Be mindful of cross-platform compatibility: When working on a multi-platform project, ensure that your `InstalledDDC` directory is compatible across different UE versions and platforms.


In conclusion, understanding the distinctions between `InstalledDDC` and `Engine/Windows` is crucial for Unreal Engine developers. By grasping the roles and purposes of these directories, you’ll be better equipped to manage your project’s development, iteration, and deployment stages. Remember to keep your `InstalledDDC` directory clean and up-to-date, use `Engine/Windows` solely for deployment, and follow best practices to ensure a smooth and successful project workflow.

Now, go forth and conquer the Unreal Engine world with confidence, armed with the knowledge of `InstalledDDC` and `Engine/Windows`!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you puzzled by the seemingly identical `InstalledDDC` and `Engine/Windows` in your Unreal Engine’s installed build? Fear not, dear developer! We’re about to shed some light on this mystery.

What is the main purpose of `InstalledDDC` and `Engine/Windows` in Unreal Engine?

Both `InstalledDDC` and `Engine/Windows` are directories within your Unreal Engine installation, but they serve different purposes. `InstalledDDC` contains platform-agnostic, pre-built binaries for various tools and libraries, while `Engine/Windows` holds Windows-specific engine binaries and configurations.

Why do I need `InstalledDDC` if I’m only building for Windows?

Even though you’re targeting Windows, certain engine components, such as the Unreal Editor, rely on the platform-agnostic binaries in `InstalledDDC` to function correctly. Think of it as a collection of “helper” binaries that assist the engine in performing various tasks.

Can I safely delete `InstalledDDC` or `Engine/Windows` to free up disk space?

We strongly advise against deleting either directory, as it may cause instability or even break your Unreal Engine installation. Both directories contain essential files for the engine’s proper functioning, so it’s best to leave them untouched.

How do `InstalledDDC` and `Engine/Windows` impact my project’s build process?

During the build process, Unreal Engine uses the binaries and configurations from both directories to compile and package your project. The `InstalledDDC` directory provides the necessary tools and libraries, while `Engine/Windows` supplies the Windows-specific engine binaries and settings.

Can I use `InstalledDDC` and `Engine/Windows` to build projects for other platforms, like Linux or Mac?

While `InstalledDDC` contains platform-agnostic binaries, it’s primarily designed for use with the Windows-based Unreal Engine. For building projects on other platforms, you’ll need to use the corresponding platform-specific directories and binaries.

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