Mastering Event Bubbling in Hierarchical State Machine (HSM): A Comprehensive Guide
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Mastering Event Bubbling in Hierarchical State Machine (HSM): A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with complex state machines that make your head spin? Do you struggle to manage events and transitions in your hierarchical state machine? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of event bubbling in HSM and provide you with a clear, step-by-step guide on how to master this crucial concept.

What is Event Bubbling in HSM?

Event bubbling is a fundamental concept in hierarchical state machines that allows events to propagate upwards through the state hierarchy. It’s a mechanism that enables child states to notify their parent states about changes or events, allowing the state machine to respond accordingly.

To illustrate this concept, imagine a hierarchical state machine that represents a user interface. When a button is clicked, an event is generated that needs to be handled by the state machine. Without event bubbling, the event would only be handled by the immediate parent state, ignoring the rest of the state hierarchy.

By using event bubbling, the event is propagated upwards through the state hierarchy, allowing each parent state to respond to the event and take appropriate actions. This ensures that the state machine responds correctly to the event, even if the event is triggered by a deeply nested child state.

Benefits of Event Bubbling in HSM

So, why is event bubbling so important in hierarchical state machines? Here are just a few benefits:

  • Improved Code Reusability**: With event bubbling, you can reuse code in parent states to handle events generated by child states.
  • Easier Debugging**: By allowing events to bubble up the state hierarchy, you can easily identify and debug issues in your state machine.
  • Enhanced Flexibility**: Event bubbling provides a flexible way to handle events and transitions in your state machine, making it easier to adapt to changing requirements.
  • Better Code Organization**: Event bubbling helps to keep your code organized by separating concerns and allowing each state to focus on its specific responsibilities.

How to Implement Event Bubbling in HSM

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of event bubbling, let’s dive into the implementation details. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to implement event bubbling in your hierarchical state machine:

  1. Define Your State Hierarchy**: Start by defining your state hierarchy using a state machine diagram or a programming language of your choice. Make sure to identify the parent-child relationships between states.
  2. Implement Event Handlers**: Create event handlers for each state in your hierarchy. These event handlers will be responsible for processing events and bubbling them up the state hierarchy.
  3. Use a Central Event Dispatcher**: Implement a central event dispatcher that will receive events from child states and forward them to the appropriate parent states. This can be a dedicated class or function that manages event propagation.
  4. Register Events with the Dispatcher**: Register each event handler with the central event dispatcher, specifying the event type and the parent state that should receive the event.
  5. Trigger Events**: When an event occurs in a child state, trigger the event and pass it to the central event dispatcher.
  6. Process Events in Parent States**: In each parent state, process the event by calling the appropriate event handler. If necessary, bubble the event up to the next parent state in the hierarchy.

Example Code in C++

Let’s consider an example in C++ to illustrate event bubbling in action:

// Event dispatcher class
class EventDispatcher {
  void registerEvent(EventType type, State* state) {
    // Register event with parent state

  void dispatchEvent(Event event) {
    // Forward event to parent state

// State class with event handler
class State {
  void handleEvent(Event event) {
    // Process event and bubble up to parent state if necessary

// Child state class
class ChildState : public State {
  void handleClickEvent(Event event) {
    // Process event and trigger event bubbling
    EventDispatcher dispatcher;

// Parent state class
class ParentState : public State {
  void handleEvent(Event event) {
    // Process event and bubble up to next parent state if necessary

int main() {
  // Create state hierarchy
  ChildState childState;
  ParentState parentState;

  // Register events with dispatcher
  EventDispatcher dispatcher;
  dispatcher.registerEvent(EVENT_TYPE_CLICK, &parentState);

  // Trigger event in child state

  return 0;

Best Practices for Event Bubbling in HSM

To get the most out of event bubbling in your hierarchical state machine, follow these best practices:

  • Keep Event Handlers Simple**: Keep event handlers simple and focused on processing the event. Avoid complex logic or state transitions within event handlers.
  • Use a Consistent Event Model**: Use a consistent event model throughout your state machine to avoid confusion and ensure that events are properly propagated.
  • Test Thoroughly**: Test your event bubbling implementation thoroughly to ensure that events are properly propagated and processed.
  • Document Event Flow**: Document the event flow and bubbling rules in your state machine to ensure that other developers understand how events are propagated.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When implementing event bubbling in your hierarchical state machine, be aware of these common pitfalls:

Pitfall Description
Event Overlap When multiple events are triggered simultaneously, it can lead to unexpected behavior or conflicts. Ensure that events are properly prioritized and handled.
Inconsistent Event Model Using an inconsistent event model can lead to confusion and errors. Ensure that events are consistently defined and propagated throughout the state machine.
Event Swallowing When an event is handled by a parent state, it may prevent the event from being propagated further up the hierarchy. Ensure that events are properly bubbled up and not swallowed by intermediate states.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the concept of event bubbling in hierarchical state machines, its benefits, and how to implement it in your own projects. By following the best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you’ll be able to create robust and maintainable state machines that respond correctly to events and transitions.

Remember, event bubbling is a powerful concept that allows your state machine to respond to events in a flexible and organized manner. By mastering event bubbling, you’ll be able to create complex state machines that are easy to understand and maintain.

So, go ahead and start implementing event bubbling in your own projects today! With practice and patience, you’ll become a master of hierarchical state machines and take your software development skills to the next level.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Event Bubbling in Hierarchical State Machine (HSM)” :

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on Event Bubbling in Hierarchical State Machine (HSM) with these frequently asked questions!

What is Event Bubbling in Hierarchical State Machine (HSM)?

Event bubbling is a mechanism in HSM where an event triggered in a child state is propagated to its parent states until it’s processed or cancelled. It’s like a chain reaction of event handling that flows upwards through the state hierarchy, allowing parent states to respond to events triggered in their child states.

Why is Event Bubbling useful in HSM?

Event bubbling is super useful in HSM because it enables a more modular and scalable design. By allowing parent states to respond to events triggered in child states, you can write more reusable code and reduce the complexity of your state machine. Plus, it makes it easier to add new features or modify existing ones without messing up the entire state machine.

How does Event Bubbling work in HSM?

Here’s the lowdown: when an event is triggered in a child state, it’s first processed by the child state itself. If the child state doesn’t handle the event, it’s then propagated to its parent state. This process continues until the event is either handled by a state or reaches the top-most state in the hierarchy. If no state handles the event, it’s typically ignored or discarded.

Can Event Bubbling cause performance issues in HSM?

While event bubbling can be a powerful tool, it can indeed cause performance issues if not used judiciously. If events are repeatedly bubbled up through a deep state hierarchy, it can lead to increased processing time and even stack overflows. To avoid this, make sure to carefully design your state machine and only use event bubbling where necessary.

How can I optimize Event Bubbling in HSM for better performance?

To optimize event bubbling in HSM, consider using techniques like event filtering, where only specific events are propagated to parent states. You can also use event handlers that cancel event bubbling once the event is handled, or implement a maximum recursion depth to prevent events from bubbling up indefinitely. By applying these optimizations, you can minimize the performance impact of event bubbling and ensure your HSM runs smoothly.