Stuck in SQL Developer Web? Unable to Type Anything? Don’t Panic!
Image by Leeya -

Stuck in SQL Developer Web? Unable to Type Anything? Don’t Panic!

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Are you facing the frustrating issue of being unable to type anything in SQL Developer Web, not even in the Apex SQL command window? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This article will guide you through the troubleshooting process to resolve this issue and get you back to coding in no time.

Why is this happening?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s quickly explore the possible reasons behind this issue:

  • Browser extensions interference: Sometimes, browser extensions can conflict with the SQL Developer Web interface, causing typing issues.
  • Cache and cookies overload: A bloated cache and cookies can slow down the application and prevent typing.
  • HTML/CSS issues: Incorrect HTML or CSS code can affect the rendering of the application, leading to typing problems.
  • Network connectivity issues: Slow or unstable network connections can cause the application to malfunction.
  • SQL Developer Web configuration: Misconfigured settings or outdated versions can lead to typing issues.

Troubleshooting Steps

Follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

Step 1: Check Browser Extensions

Try disabling all browser extensions and then re-enable them one by one to identify if any extension is causing the issue:

  1. Open your browser and go to the extensions page (chrome://extensions/ for Google Chrome or about:addons for Mozilla Firefox).
  2. Toggle off all extensions.
  3. Restart the browser and open SQL Developer Web.
  4. If the issue persists, re-enable extensions one by one, testing after each addition.

Step 2: Clear Cache and Cookies

Clearing the cache and cookies can resolve many issues. Here’s how:

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Delete (Windows) or Command + Shift + Delete (Mac) to open the browser’s settings.
  2. Select the “Clear browsing data” option.
  3. Choose the items you want to clear, including cache, cookies, and browsing history.
  4. Click “Clear data” and restart the browser.

Step 3: Check HTML/CSS Issues

If you’re experiencing issues with rendering or formatting, try the following:

  1. Press F12 to open the browser’s developer tools.
  2. Switch to the “Elements” tab.
  3. Check for any errors or warnings in the console.
  4. If you find any issues, report them to the SQL Developer Web development team or seek assistance from a web development expert.

Step 4: Test Network Connectivity

A stable and fast network connection is essential for SQL Developer Web to function correctly:

  1. Check your internet connection speed using an online speed test tool.
  2. Restart your router or modem to ensure a stable connection.
  3. Try accessing SQL Developer Web from a different network or device to isolate the issue.

Step 5: Configure SQL Developer Web

Ensure that SQL Developer Web is configured correctly:

  1. Check the SQL Developer Web version and update to the latest version if necessary.
  2. Verify that your Oracle database connection is stable and correctly configured.
  3. Review the SQL Developer Web settings and adjust them as needed.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, try the following:

  • Incognito mode: Try accessing SQL Developer Web in incognito mode to isolate the issue from browser extensions and cache.
  • Different browser: Switch to a different browser to rule out browser-specific issues.
  • SQL Developer Web reset: Try resetting SQL Developer Web to its default settings.
  • Oracle support: Reach out to Oracle support for further assistance or to report the issue.


By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of being unable to type anything in SQL Developer Web, including the Apex SQL command window. Remember to stay calm, be patient, and methodically work through each step to identify and fix the problem.

Troubleshooting Step Possible Cause Solution
Check Browser Extensions Extension interference Disable and re-enable extensions
Clear Cache and Cookies Cache and cookies overload Clear browsing data
Check HTML/CSS Issues HTML/CSS rendering issues Check developer tools for errors
Test Network Connectivity Network connectivity issues Check internet speed and restart router
Configure SQL Developer Web SQL Developer Web configuration issues Review and update settings
 Remember, troubleshooting is an iterative process. Be prepared to repeat steps or try different approaches until you resolve the issue.

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck in SQL Developer Web? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these common issues and their solutions to get back to typing away!

Why can’t I type anything in SQL Developer Web?

Make sure you’re not accidentally in “Read Only” mode! Check the top-right corner of the SQL Worksheet for the “Read Only” toggle button and switch it off. VoilĂ ! You should be able to type away now.

Is it because of a browser issue?

Yeah, that’s possible! Try switching to a different browser or updating your current one to the latest version. Sometimes, a simple browser restart can also do the trick. If none of these work, try clearing your browser cache and cookies.

Could it be related to my Oracle APEX version?

Maybe! If you’re running an older version of Oracle APEX, it might be the culprit. Try updating to the latest version or patching your current one. You can also check the APEX release notes for any known issues related to typing in SQL Developer Web.

What if I’m using a Mac or Linux operating system?

Don’t worry, Mac and Linux users! Make sure you’re running the latest version of Java, as older versions might cause issues with SQL Developer Web. You can check the Oracle website for the latest Java downloads.

Is it a known bug in SQL Developer Web?

Possibly! Check the Oracle SQL Developer Web documentation and release notes for any known issues or bugs related to typing. If you’ve verified that it’s not a browser or APEX issue, you can also raise a ticket with Oracle Support for further assistance.

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