Unraveling the Mystery: Where Do Docker Image and Docker Container Names Come From?
Image by Leeya - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Where Do Docker Image and Docker Container Names Come From?

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Docker, the mighty containerization platform, has taken the tech world by storm. With its promise of efficient resource utilization, simplified deployment, and scalable infrastructure, it’s no wonder Docker has become an indispensable tool in modern software development. However, as developers dive deeper into the world of Docker, they often find themselves pondering a fundamental question: Where do Docker image and Docker container names come from? In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to unravel the mystery behind these enigmatic names and provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how they’re generated.

The Genesis of Docker Image Names

Before we dive into the world of Docker image names, let’s take a step back and understand the concept of Docker images. A Docker image is a lightweight, standalone, executable package that includes everything an application needs to run, including code, libraries, dependencies, and settings. Images are the blueprint for containers, and every container is created from an image.

Now, let’s get to the crux of the matter – where do Docker image names come from? The answer lies in the way Docker builds images. When you create a Dockerfile, you specify a series of instructions that tell Docker how to build an image. One of these instructions is the `FROM` directive, which specifies the base image for your new image. This base image is the foundation upon which your image is built.

FROM python:3.9-slim

In the above example, `python:3.9-slim` is the base image. The name `python` is the repository, and `3.9-slim` is the tag. The repository is the namespace where the image is stored, and the tag specifies the version of the image.

When you run the command `docker build -t myimage .`, Docker creates an image with the name `myimage`. But, what happens when you don’t specify a name? That’s where the magic of Docker’s naming convention comes in.

The Default Naming Convention

When you don’t specify a name for your image, Docker uses a default naming convention to generate a unique name. This convention is based on the repository and tag of the base image. Here’s how it works:

  • If the base image has a tag, Docker uses the repository and tag as the name. For example, if the base image is `python:3.9-slim`, the default name would be `python:3.9-slim`.
  • If the base image doesn’t have a tag, Docker uses the repository and a generated UUID as the name. For example, if the base image is `python`, the default name would be `python:`.

This default naming convention ensures that every image has a unique name, making it easier to identify and manage images in your Docker environment.

The Enigma of Docker Container Names

Now that we’ve unraveled the mystery of Docker image names, let’s shift our focus to Docker container names. A Docker container is a runtime instance of an image, and it’s here that the magic of Docker’s naming convention really shines.

When you create a new container using the command `docker run -it myimage`, Docker generates a unique name for the container. But, where does this name come from?

The container_name Directive

One way to specify a container name is by using the `–name` flag or the `container_name` directive in your Docker Compose file. This allows you to explicitly set the name of the container.

docker run -it --name mycontainer myimage

Or, in a Docker Compose file:

version: "3"
    container_name: mycontainer
    image: myimage

In this case, the container name is explicitly set to `mycontainer`.

The Default Naming Convention

But, what happens when you don’t specify a name for the container? That’s where Docker’s default naming convention comes into play. When you run a container without specifying a name, Docker generates a unique name using the following format:


For example, the generated name might be `hungry-mongo` or `sleepy-panda`. This naming convention ensures that every container has a unique and memorable name.

But, why do Docker container names follow this peculiar format? The answer lies in the history of Docker itself. The Docker team wanted a naming convention that was both unique and memorable, and they drew inspiration from the Linux tradition of using cute and quirky names for containers. The `adjective-animal` format has since become an iconic part of the Docker brand.


In this article, we’ve delved into the mysteries of Docker image and container names, exploring the default naming conventions and explicit naming techniques. By understanding how Docker generates names, you’ll be better equipped to manage your images and containers, and unleash the full potential of Docker in your development workflow.

Remember, the next time you create a Docker image or container, take a closer look at the name – it might just reveal a hidden story.

Docker Concept Default Naming Convention Explicit Naming Technique
Docker Image Repository and tag (or UUID) Specify a name using the -t flag
Docker Container Adjective-animal format Specify a name using the –name flag or container_name directive

By mastering the art of Docker naming conventions, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a Docker ninja – effortlessly creating, managing, and deploying containers with ease.


  1. Q: Can I change the default naming convention for Docker images and containers?

    A: While you can’t change the default naming convention, you can use explicit naming techniques to specify a custom name for your images and containers.

  2. Q: How do I specify a custom name for a Docker image?

    A: You can specify a custom name for a Docker image using the -t flag when building the image. For example: `docker build -t myimage .`.

  3. Q: Can I use the same name for multiple Docker containers?

    A: No, Docker container names must be unique. If you try to create a container with a name that already exists, Docker will throw an error.

Now that you’ve reached the end of this article, you’re equipped with the knowledge to conquer the world of Docker names. Happy containerizing!

Frequently Asked Question

Ever wondered where those fancy Docker image and container names come from? Let’s dive into the world of Docker naming conventions!

What’s the deal with Docker image names?

Docker image names are typically in the format of [username]/[repo-name]:[tag], where the username is your Docker Hub username, repo-name is the repository name, and tag is the version or label of the image. For example, myawesomeapp/myapp:latest.

Where do Docker container names come from?

When you run a container, Docker automatically generates a random name for it. But, you can also specify a name using the --name flag. For example, docker run --name my-container -it ubuntu bash. You can also use the --name flag with the docker container create command.

Can I customize Docker image and container names?

Absolutely! You can customize Docker image names when you build an image using the docker build command with the -t flag. For example, docker build -t myawesomeapp/myapp:latest .. You can also customize container names using the --name flag when running a container, as mentioned earlier.

What’s the significance of the :latest tag?

The :latest tag is a special tag in Docker that always points to the most recent version of an image. When you use :latest, Docker will automatically use the latest available version of the image. However, it’s recommended to use specific version tags (e.g., :1.2.3) in production environments to ensure consistency.

Can I rename a Docker container or image after it’s created?

Unfortunately, you can’t rename a Docker container or image after it’s created. However, you can create a new alias for an image using the docker tag command. For example, docker tag myawesomeapp/myapp:latest mynewapp/mynewapp:latest. This creates a new reference to the same image, but with a different name.