Set indexed Property with JACOB Fails with ‘Member not found’? Here’s Your Solution!
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Set indexed Property with JACOB Fails with ‘Member not found’? Here’s Your Solution!

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating ‘Member not found’ error when trying to set an indexed property with JACOB (Java COM Bridge)? You’re not alone! Many developers have struggled with this issue, but fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution right here.

What is JACOB and Why Do We Need It?

JACOB (Java COM Bridge) is a Java library that enables Java applications to interact with COM (Component Object Model) components, which are commonly used in Windows-based systems. JACOB provides a bridge between the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the COM world, allowing Java developers to access COM objects and their properties.

The Problem: ‘Member not found’ Error

When working with JACOB, you may encounter the ‘Member not found’ error when trying to set an indexed property. This error occurs when the COM component doesn’t recognize the property you’re trying to set. But why does this happen, you ask?

The reason lies in how JACOB interacts with COM components. When you try to set an indexed property, JACOB sends a request to the COM component to set the property. However, if the COM component doesn’t support indexed properties or doesn’t recognize the property name, it will throw the ‘Member not found’ error.

Solution: Using the Correct Syntax and Parameters

So, how do you set an indexed property with JACOB without encountering the ‘Member not found’ error? The answer lies in using the correct syntax and parameters. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Import the Necessary Libraries

import com.jacob.activeX.*;

Step 2: Create an Instance of the COM Component

ActiveXComponent comComponent = new ActiveXComponent("Component.Name");

Replace “Component.Name” with the actual name of the COM component you’re working with.

Step 3: Get the Dispatch Object

Dispatch dispatch = new Dispatch(comComponent);

Step 4: Set the Indexed Property

To set an indexed property, you need to use the invoke method of the Dispatch object, passing the property name and index as parameters. Here’s an example:

dispatch.invoke("GetProperty", new Object[] {"Property.Name", 1});

Replace “Property.Name” with the actual name of the property you want to set, and 1 with the index of the property.

Step 5: Convert the Return Value

The invoke method returns a Variant object, which you need to convert to the desired data type. For example, if the property returns a string value, you can use the getString method:

String propertyValue = dispatch.getString("GetProperty", new Object[] {"Property.Name", 1});

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While following the above steps, you may encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome them:

Issue 1: ‘Member not found’ Error

  • Check the property name and index for typos or incorrect values.
  • Verify that the COM component supports indexed properties and the property name is correct.
  • Try using the getDispatchInvoker method instead of invoke.

Issue 2: Null Pointer Exception

  • Ensure that the COM component is correctly instantiated and the Dispatch object is not null.
  • Check that the property name and index are correct and the property exists.
  • Verify that the COM component is properly registered in the system.

Best Practices for Working with JACOB

To avoid common pitfalls and ensure smooth interaction with COM components, follow these best practices when working with JACOB:

  1. Use the correct COM component name and version: Make sure you’re using the correct name and version of the COM component to avoid compatibility issues.
  2. Verify property names and indices: Double-check property names and indices to avoid typos or incorrect values.
  3. Use the right data types: Ensure you’re using the correct data types when setting properties or retrieving values from COM components.
  4. Handle exceptions and errors: Implement proper error handling and exception handling mechanisms to handle unexpected errors or exceptions.
Best Practice
Use the correct COM component name and version Ensure compatibility and avoid version conflicts
Verify property names and indices Avoid typos or incorrect values that can lead to errors
Use the right data types Ensure correct data type conversion to avoid data loss or corruption
Handle exceptions and errors Implement proper error handling mechanisms to handle unexpected errors or exceptions


In conclusion, setting an indexed property with JACOB can be a breeze if you use the correct syntax and parameters. By following the steps outlined in this article and adhering to best practices, you can avoid the frustrating ‘Member not found’ error and ensure smooth interaction with COM components. Remember to troubleshoot common issues, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance.

Happy coding, and may the JACOB be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most common questions about “Set indexed Property with JACOB fails with ‘Member not found'” and resolve the mystery!

What is JACOB, and how does it relate to setting indexed properties?

JACOB (JAva COm Bridge) is a Java library that allows you to access COM (Component Object Model) components from Java. When working with JACOB, you might encounter issues when setting indexed properties, which can lead to the “Member not found” error. This error occurs when JACOB fails to find the specified property or method.

Why does setting an indexed property with JACOB result in a “Member not found” error?

The “Member not found” error typically occurs when the property or method you’re trying to access is not correctly registered or exposed by the COM component. This could be due to various reasons, such as incorrect component registration, incompatible component versions, or incorrect property naming.

How can I troubleshoot the “Member not found” error when setting an indexed property with JACOB?

To troubleshoot the issue, try the following steps: Verify that the COM component is correctly registered and exposed. Check the property name and indexing syntax for correctness. Ensure that the component version is compatible with your Java environment. Use diagnostic tools, such as OLEVIEW or JACOB’s built-in logging, to gain insight into the COM component’s property exposure.

Can I use a different approach to set indexed properties with JACOB and avoid the “Member not found” error?

Yes, you can use an alternative approach to set indexed properties with JACOB. Instead of using the `Com4j` API, you can use the `ComBridge` API, which provides more flexibility and control over COM component interaction. This approach might require additional coding and configuration, but it can help you bypass the “Member not found” error.

Where can I find more resources and documentation to learn about JACOB and COM component interaction?

For more information on JACOB, COM components, and indexed property setting, refer to the official JACOB documentation, COM component documentation, and online forums. You can also explore Microsoft’s documentation on COM and OLE automation, as well as Java-based libraries and frameworks that interact with COM components.

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